Tuesday 26 November 2013

Development of Technology

Development of Phones

Mobile phones have developed so much in such a small space of time once our brick like phones to the current smart phones. The world’s first mobile phone call was made on April 3, 1973, by Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola. The phone that Martin cooper used weighed 1.1kg and measured“228.6x127x44.4mm”. This mobile phone allowed you to talk for 30 minutes, however took about ten hours to charge its battery.Short messaging service was first used on the 3rd of December 1992 by Neil Papworth “via Vodafone network to the phone of Richard Jarvis”.
Many of the modern day smart phones use a processor called an ARM. These ARM’s are used as they reduce cost, heat and power use of the phone it’s self. These ARM processors “require fewer transistors than typical processors” that are used in average computers. These processors are also used in smart phones due to their “desirable trait” that allows them to be used in devices that are battery powered.

The first camera phone was first sold in 2000 in Japan more than a decade after the first digital camera was sold. This camera phone used CCD sensors compare to today’s likely choice, the CMOS active pixel senor. In addition to phones now being able to take photograph images, we are now able to take high quality videos with our smart phones due to video capabilities.

Phones have developed so much over the past many years that we are now able to do extraordinary things: we can have high graphic images, fast connection to the internet and the ability to communicate in a flash.

Similar Characterises as a Computer and Laptop

Many of today’s smart phones are extremely similar to computers and laptops for their characteristics. Such characteristics as being able to have access to internet, check your emails and keep up to date with current news on the go. You are also able to watch films and videos at the touch of a button. In addition to this you can have 64GB worth of memory on your smart phone, to store endless amount of application that allow you to do a range of different things for example shop online and control your banking.The amount of memory that you can have on such a small device shows how much a smart phone is very similar to a computer these days.

Megapixels in smart phones

A megapixel is one million pixels. A pixel is a “physically point in a raster image”. These pixels will store information of its coordinates within an image as well as its colour. When many of these pixels come to together we create a line or shape which them becomes our picture. Smartphone’s use pixels or should we say megapixels to display all of the information that we see on screen. This includes the background image, the image that is created to represent our application, our clock and even the movement of objects on our screen. However the phone companies are always trying to give us more megapixels in new smart phones that are brought out, but are we really getting any more, megapixels in our phones, although it may seem at first that we are? The HTC One has 4 megapixel camera compare to the Apple iPhone 5 having 8 Megapixels however although you would believe that this would mean that the picture you are getting twice the size picture. However in thinking this you are wrong because the megapixels of a camera is based on a figure times another figure therefore from the image below you can see that the size only slightly increases in size compare to what we would have first believed. Therefore it never is which smart phone has the most megapixels it is which smart phone produces the better quality.

However with the develop of graphics we are now as a human race becoming even more dependent on technology. We depend on technology to communicate with the people around us, to keep us on track with our lives and to entertain us. A large majority of the young generation both females and males spend many hours use high graphic video games on the many game counsels that are available on the market. These graphics create a real life looking situations such as war related situation. Games like “Call of duty” allow the person to fit and play in a real life like war. The people in the game look realist to the eye like actual people in the game.  
The Rise of Digital Cameras
The rise of the digital camera happened in 1969. The first digital camera was invented by Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith who successfully created an imaging technology using a digital sensor. Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2009 due to this contribution to digital photography. After this in 1975 Kodak engineer“Steve Sasson” invented the first digital still camera. This first digital camera used a “Fairchild 100x100 pixel CCD”. Finally on August 25th1981, Sony “unveiled a prototype of the Sony Mavica”. This camera was the first analog electronic camera which “featured interchangeable lenses and a SLR viewfinder”.
Are we developing technology too fast?
Yes I believe that we are developing technology too fast as we currently live in a world where there are already many people who rely on technology to communicate with the people around them compare to the years of my grandparents where if you want to communicate with someone you wrote them a letter or went and asked them in person.
Examples of where developing technology can be a problem is where we reach a stage were the whole world has forgotten and doesn’t use the ability to communication through spoken language. People will only communicate via their phones texting and their emails. This can have an extreme detrimental effect on the people of the futures ability to speak to each other as they will be living in a world where no one speaks to each other.
However if technology does keep developing it can also do amazing things for problems that we have all over the world such as global poverty and natural disaster which destroy people’s homes.   
Smart Internet Enabled TV’s vs Cathode Ray Tube TV’s

Cathode Ray Tube televisions display your TV screen image by three electronic guns shooting electrons through a tube at the front of the screen. This beam would then place “thousands of dots on the screen” to form a picture. Compare to current smart TV’s which like the Plasma televisions which were made up of two sheets of glass which between them held millions of coated pixels which were “coloured phosphor, red, green and blue”. When electricity would pass through these sheets of glass it would cause the “coloured phosphor to produce light”. TV’s now allow people to access the internet using Internet smart TV’s. This involves you being able to control your television using your voice and the motion of your body. It allows you to access a “world of online content and services”. In addition to this these smart TV’s allow you to have 3D viewing.
3d Modelling Printers
HP DesignJet 3D Colour makerbot printer is a printer that allows you to print and create 3D objects. Compare to common 2D printer which just print a layout of dots in the correct order, a 3D printer will print small blobs of plastic or other material in the same way as a 2D printer however when the process has completed over to whole area being printed the base of where the small blobs of plastic are, gets lowered. This then allows the 3D printer to continue with the same process placing more of these small plastic blobs on the already set plastic blobs making it into a 3D object. This continues until you have the density or size of the object you wanted. Therefore this means with the right computer software you can create anything you want in 3D, even with moving parts.

These printers now allow us to print rich and complex graphics in 3D form for us to hold and use. Look at this video below to see a common day tool made in a similar way to this, however this company uses a powered instead of plastic to create the object using a 3D printer.

3D modelling printers can also create biological tissue. This can help people who have lost limbs in war and accidents regain their independence as we could just print them a new arm or new leg. We could also print part of the skin so that patient would not have to go through the pain of skin graphing as we could just scan the section that they need skin to be and print that section. In addition to this because graphics are of such a high quality we could make this part of their skin look exactly how it used to.

People could also use graphic 3D printers to solve world poverty and world hunger as we can send a 3D printer to these third world countries where they can print of food, from takeaway foods like pizza to healthy food such as apples and broccoli.

Projectors starting to challenge larger screen cinema systems

Projectors are starting to challenge larger screen cinemas systems because they allow a person to have a home cinema system in their own living room at a small cost compare to going to the cinema. Projectors on the market offer much better picture quality with up to 300 inch screen possibility.

Projectors as also challenging larger screen cinemas as people can now get high graphic films on their tablets which they can link wirelessly to their graphics HD televisions.

Friday 15 November 2013

How Far Technology Has Come In Such A Small Space Of Time ! Update

Development of Technology

Development of Phones

Mobile phones have developed so much in such a small space of time once our brick like phones to the current smart phones. The world’s first mobile phone call was made on April 3, 1973, by Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola. The phone that Martin cooper used weighed 1.1kg and measured“228.6x127x44.4mm”. This mobile phone allowed you to talk for 30 minutes, however took about ten hours to charge its battery. Short messaging service was first used on the 3rd of December 1992 by Neil Papworth “via Vodafone network to the phone of Richard Jarvis”.
Many of the modern day smart phones use a processor called an ARM. These ARM’s are used as they reduce cost, heat and power use of the phone it’s self. These ARM processors “require fewer transistors than typical processors” that are used in average computers. These processors are also used in smart phones due to their “desirable trait” that allows them to be used in devices that are battery powered.

The first camera phone was first sold in 2000 in Japan more than a decade after the first digital camera was sold. This camera phone used CCD sensors compare to today’s likely choice, the CMOS active pixel senor. In addition to phones now being able to take photograph images, we are now able to take high quality videos with our smart phones due to video capabilities.

Similar Characterises as a Computer and Laptop

Many of today’s smart phones are extremely similar to computers and laptops for their characteristics. Such characteristics as being able to have access to internet, check your emails and keep up to date with current news on the go. You are also able to watch films and videos at the touch of a button. In addition to this you can have 64GB worth of memory on your smart phone, to store endless amount of application that allow you to do a range of different things for example shop online and control your banking. The amount of memory that you can have on such a small device shows how much a smart phone is very similar to a computer these days.

Megapixels in smart phones

A megapixel is one million pixels. A pixel is a “physically point in a raster image”. These pixels will store information of its coordinates within an image as well as its colour. When many of these pixels come to together we create a line or shape which them becomes our picture. Smartphone’s use pixels or should we say megapixels to display all of the information that we see on screen. This includes the background image, the image that is created to represent our application, our clock and even the movement of objects on our screen. However the phone companies are always trying to give us more megapixels in new smart phones that are brought out, but are we really getting any more, megapixels in our phones, although it may seem at first that we are? The HTC One has 4 megapixel camera compare to the Apple iPhone 5 having 8 Megapixels however although you would believe that this would mean that the picture you are getting twice the size picture. However in thinking this you are wrong because the megapixels of a camera is based on a figure times another figure therefore from the image below you can see that the size only slightly increases in size compare to what we would have first believed. Therefore it never is which smart phone has the most megapixels it is which smart phone produces the better quality.

The Rise of Digital Cameras
The rise of the digital camera happened in 1969. The first digital camera was invented by Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith who successfully created an imaging technology using a digital sensor. Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2009 due to this contribution to digital photography. After this in 1975 Kodak engineer“Steve Sasson” invented the first digital still camera. This first digital camera used a “Fairchild 100x100 pixel CCD”. Finally on August 25th1981, Sony “unveiled a prototype of the Sony Mavica”. This camera was the first analog electronic camera which “featured interchangeable lenses and a SLR viewfinder”.
Are we developing technology too fast?
Yes I believe that we are developing technology too fast as we currently live in a world where there are already many people who rely on technology to communicate with the people around them compare to the years of my grandparents where if you want to communicate with someone you wrote them a letter or went and asked them in person.
Examples of where developing technology can be a problem is where we reach a stage were the whole world has forgotten and doesn’t use the ability to communication through spoken language. People will only communicate via their phones texting and their emails. This can have an extreme detrimental effect on the people of the futures ability to speak to each other as they will be living in a world where no one speaks to each other.
Smart Internet Enabled TV’s vs Cathode Ray Tube TV’s

Cathode Ray Tube televisions display your TV screen image by three electronic guns shooting electrons through a tube at the front of the screen. This beam would then place “thousands of dots on the screen” to form a picture. Compare to current smart TV’s which like the Plasma televisions which were made up of two sheets of glass which between them held millions of coated pixels which were “coloured phosphor, red, green and blue”. When electricity would pass through these sheets of glass it would cause the “coloured phosphor to produce light”. TV’s now allow people to access the internet using Internet smart TV’s. This involves you being able to control your television using your voice and the motion of your body. It allows you to access a “world of online content and services”. In addition to this these smart TV’s allow you to have 3D viewing.
3d Modelling Printers
HP DesignJet 3D Colour makerbot printer is a printer that allows you to print and create 3D objects. Compare to common 2D printer which just print a layout of dots in the correct order, a 3D printer will print small blobs of plastic or other material in the same way as a 2D printer however when the process has completed over to whole area being printed the base of where the small blobs of plastic are, gets lowered. This then allows the 3D printer to continue with the same process placing more of these small plastic blobs on the already set plastic blobs making it into a 3D object. This continues until you have the density or size of the object you wanted. Therefore this means with the right computer software you can create anything you want in 3D, even with moving parts.

These printers now allow us to print rich and complex graphics in 3D form for us to hold and use. Look at this video below to see a common day tool made in a similar way to this, however this company uses a powered instead of plastic to create the object using a 3D printer.

Projectors starting to challenge larger screen cinema systems

Projectors are starting to challenge larger screen cinemas systems because they allow a person to have a home cinema system in their own living room at a small cost compare to going to the cinema. Projectors on the market offer much better picture quality with up to 300 inch screen possibility.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

How Far Technology Has Come in Such a Short Space of Time

Development of Technology

Development of Phones

Mobile phones have developed so much in such a small space of time once our brick like phones to the current smart phones. The world’s first mobile phone call was made on April 3, 1973, by Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola. The phone that Martin cooper used weighed 1.1kg and measured “228.6x127x44.4mm”. This mobile phone allowed you to talk for 30 minutes, however took about ten hours to charge its battery.  Short messaging service was first used on the 3rd of December 1992 by Neil Papworth “via Vodafone network to the phone of Richard Jarvis”.

Many of the modern day smart phones use a processor called an ARM. These ARM’s are used as they reduce cost, heat and power use of the phone it’s self. These ARM processors “require fewer transistors than typical processors” that are used in average computers. These processors are also used in smart phones due to their “desirable trait” that allows them to be used in devices that are battery powered.

The first camera phone was first sold in 2000 in Japan more than a decade after the first digital camera was sold. This camera phone used CCD sensors compare to today’s likely choice, the CMOS active pixel senor. In addition to phones now being able to take photograph images, we are now able to take high quality videos with our smart phones due to video capabilities.

Similar Characterises as a Computer and Laptop

Many of today’s smart phones are extremely similar to computers and laptops for their characteristics. Such characteristics as being able to have access to internet, check your emails and keep up to date with current news on the go. You are also able to watch films and videos at the touch of a button. In addition to this you can have 64GB worth of memory on your smart phone, to store endless amount of application that allow you to do a range of different things for example shop online and control your banking.  The amount of memory that you can have on such a small device shows how much a smart phone is very similar to a computer these days.

Megapixels in smart phones

A megapixel is one million pixels. A pixel is a “physically point in a raster image”. These pixels will store information of its coordinates within an image as well as its colour. When many of these pixels come to together we create a line or shape which them becomes our picture. Smartphone’s use pixels or should we say megapixels to display all of the information that we see on screen. This includes the background image, the image that is created to represent our application, our clock and even the movement of objects on our screen. However the phone companies are always trying to give us more megapixels in new smart phones that are brought out, but are we really getting any more, megapixels in our phones, although it may seem at first that we are? The HTC One has 4 megapixel camera compare to the Apple iPhone 5 having 8 Megapixels however although you would believe that this would mean that the picture you are getting twice the size picture. However in thinking this you are wrong because the megapixels of a camera is based on a figure times another figure therefore from the image below you can see that the size only slightly increases in size compare to what we would have first believed. Therefore it never is which smart phone has the most megapixels it is which smart phone produces the better quality.

The Rise of Digital Cameras
The rise of the digital camera happened in 1969. The first digital camera was invented by Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith who successfully created an imaging technology using a digital sensor. Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2009 due to this contribution to digital photography. After this in 1975 Kodak engineer “Steve Sasson” invented the first digital still camera. This first digital camera used a “Fairchild 100x100 pixel CCD”. Finally on August 25th 1981, Sony “unveiled a prototype of the Sony Mavica”. This camera was the first analog electronic camera which “featured interchangeable lenses and a SLR viewfinder”. 
Are we developing technology too fast?
Yes I believe that we are developing technology too fast as we currently live in a world where there are already many people who rely on technology to communicate with the people around them compare to the years of my grandparents where if you want to communicate with someone you wrote them a letter or went and asked them in person.
Examples of where developing technology can be a problem is where we reach a stage were the whole world has forgotten and doesn’t use the ability to communication through spoken language. People will only communicate via their phones texting and their emails. This can have an extreme detrimental effect on the people of the futures ability to speak to each other as they will be living in a world where no one speaks to each other.
Smart Internet Enabled TV’s vs Cathode Ray Tube TV’s

Cathode Ray Tube televisions display your TV screen image by three electronic guns shooting electrons through a tube at the front of the screen. This beam would then place “thousands of dots on the screen” to form a picture. Compare to current smart TV’s which like the Plasma televisions which were made up of two sheets of glass which between them held millions of coated pixels which were “coloured phosphor, red, green and blue”. When electricity would pass through these sheets of glass it would cause the “coloured phosphor to produce light”. TV’s now allow people to access the internet using Internet smart TV’s. This involves you being able to control your television using your voice and the motion of your body. It allows you to access a “world of online content and services”. In addition to this these smart TV’s allow you to have 3D viewing.
3d Modelling Printers  
HP DesignJet 3D Colour makerbot printer is a printer that allows you to print and create 3D objects. Compare to common 2D printer which just print a layout of dots in the correct order, a 3D printer will print small blobs of plastic or other material in the same way as a 2D printer however when the process has completed over to whole area being printed the base of where the small blobs of plastic are, gets lowered. This then allows the 3D printer to continue with the same process placing more of these small plastic blobs on the already set plastic blobs making it into a 3D object. This continues until you have the density or size of the object you wanted. Therefore this means with the right computer software you can create anything you want in 3D, even with moving parts.

These printers now allow us to print rich and complex graphics in 3D form for us to hold and use. Look at this video below to see a common day tool made in a similar way to this, however this company uses a powered instead of plastic to create the object using a 3D printer.

Projectors starting to challenge larger screen cinema systems

Projectors are starting to challenge larger screen cinemas systems because they allow a person to have a home cinema system in their own living room at a small cost compare to going to the cinema. Projectors on the market offer much better picture quality with up to 300 inch screen possibility.